A poet's diary


 Two years ago , while camping at Bhopal ,I drove down to Sirpur , a historical site known for its Buddhist Viharas and temple complexes of the 8 th century A.D..While returning I suffered a stomach upset leading to a nasty vomit right inside the car. It was not the physical discomfort that caused the unhappiness but my inability to take in the beauty of the place and carry back images .


The body had struggled for a whole night
Calling for a tranquil, unquestioning acceptance
A typhoon in the intestines caused the mind to swirl
In a smelly rejection across the car seat
In the acceptance lay the complementarity of rejection
Then the rain went musical on the misty windshield
Beauty appeared, in wistful rain, across time
As though it were life briefly rejecting death
Buddha sat there smiling in Time’s burnt earth
There was no acceptance or rejection, only beauty.

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